Leppington Open Spaces Precinct
GroupGSA for Camden Council
Typology: Community, Public Domain
Status: Concept Design complete, Detailed Design for Creekworks and Priority Works complete, costing and design review
Location: Leppington, NSW
Project Details
Leppington is targeted for growth as part of Sydney’s South West Growth Centres. Stage 1 of the residential release includes several open spaces for the community linked by parklands and unified by the Scalabrini Creek riparian zone. Camden Council have taken an unprecedented and commendable approach to develop the open space ahead of Developer Contributions.
A masterplan was prepared for the Precinct in 2022. Council is working with GroupsGSA to evolve the design for the parklands/ riparian zone, creek rehabilitation and the landscape design of each green space and associated community infrastructure. An existing football facility is to be upgraded as part of the project.
The project involved significant environmental and heritage considerations including existing contamination, existing Indigenous artefacts, creek rehabilitation (GroupGSA proposed a geomorphic approach).
The project required a GSA co-led approach with WSP to Designing with Country involving walking on Country and consultation with local traditional knowledge holders.
Workstages & Skillsets
Team Management, Concept/ Detailed Design………
Presentation to Council………
Lead Consultant - Coordinate input and documentation by Civil, Structure and Hydraulic, Planning, Ecological, and Heritage consultants……..
Management of the preparation and submission of a Review of Environmental Factors (REF)………