Heritage is part of our cultural identity, through heritage interpretation we can celebrate our connection to the First Nations People & the emergence of our Australian communities.
I’m working on a project in The Rocks, Sydney, which has inspired me reflect about landscape design & heritage.
The design is currently work in progress & has received good feedback to date:
....... "A fantastic proposal, fresh”….... “One of the most comprehensive, innovative and site-specific strategies seen to date”.
Below describes how the design has embraced the key design principles.
"Understand the significance of the place and design to respect that significance" (The Burra Charter)
celebrate and respect……
The design features a contemporary sculptural element which is inspired by the heritage sandstone of the site.
A modern steel material is proposed to interpret the bedrock fabric in a respectful way & celebrate Life on the Rocks.
interpret the original place …..
The sculpture provides opportunity to collaborate with an artist to express connections to, and stories from, the site.
Opportunities present themselves - to interpret the significance of Place through patterns, textures and text, to pay respect to the First Nations People.
The hardscape design includes a fine grained paving pattern which creates a sense of the Place by interpreting the original laneway alignment.
“The best way to ensure the ongoing role of a heritage place in the community is to use it” - Better Placed Design Guideline (NSW Gov. Architects)
create a destination ...
The site is designed for pedestrian connection and activation and includes a new courtyard with retail connections & formal and informal seating opportunities - designed to be activated and engaging.
create an invitation ...
The wider landscape will include visual clues such as paving inlays and in-ground lighting to invite visitors to the destination.
The softscape design signifies the pedestrian links, accentuating laneway connections - it's designed to draw pedestrian traffic into the site.
The concluding statement is that we aspire to design a place that is highly activated, meaningful & true to its cultural identity.....
... a place that invokes a sense of belonging and welcome. I'm looking forward to the next steps.